This volume gives you the basic tools to transition from “pebble pup” to expert rockhound and explains everything from geology basics, identification tips, tools of the trade, how to record your findings, and how to set up a lab or gem shop. Before you know it, you’ll be driving the open roads and traveling home with dusty pockets full of rocks, gems, minerals, fossils—and maybe even gold. Written by Garret Romaine.
* geology basics
* popular collectibles, including rocks, gems, fossils, meteorites, and gold
* tools of the trade for every level of collector
* rules and regulations
* polishing, preserving, crafting, and displaying your treasures
Our aim is to establish ourselves as the leading authority and primary source for all your treasure hunting and outdoor supply requirements. Our primary goal is to provide you with exceptional customer support and ensure your satisfaction throughout your entire experience with us.
As a dealer, we pride ourselves not only on being accessible to our customers via phone, but we also actively encourage you to reach out and engage in discussions about your specific needs, skill level, or just to chat a bit about our hobbies.
We are committed to providing ongoing support and assistance to better guarantee your success in your treasure hunting endeavors.
At High Plains Prospectors, the support doesn't end with the sale.