Modern Prospecting: How to Find, Claim and Sell Mineral Deposits, by Roger McPherson. 2nd Ed.
A gold pan, a couple of scerens, a small shovel, rock hammer, hand lens , and sample bags are the essential tools for prospecting. However, to have a better chance of discovering a deposit, a prospector must also recognize the signposts of a favorable area, do the land status research, and follow through with valid claim staking, soil and rock sampling, and assaying. This systematic approach to mineral exploration is used by successful prospectors and mining companies today. Whether looking for gold, platinum, diamonds or any other mineral, anyone equipped with these basic skills greatly increases their ability to discover new bonanzas.
In Modern Prospecting, an experienced prospector passes on information acquired through 20 years of classroom study, field work in the western states and Alaska, and trial and error. Chapters include descriptions of the major types of deposits; interviews with professional geologists; how to obtain an assay; use geochemical and geophysical methods; and stake a proper claim.
With its handy glossary and helpful information on government agencies, websites and other contacts for assaysm suppliers, and geological bulletins, Modern Prospecting is the foremost how-to-do-it-right guide to prospecting in the twenty-first century.
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