The Banjo Pan is the Worlds Fastest Gold Mining Pan using the principles of (degrees of separation) we’ve come up with a pan that combines a sluice and a gold pan for continuous production with a removable vortex collection mat. Continuous panning without stopping (similar to a sluice box) but performs wet, dry or underwater!
Simply scoop your material into the Banjo Pan and dip it into the stream using a rocker motion to gradually flow the material over the mat. The Banjo Pan is designed to automatically provide the correct angle for the mat to work properly. When done processing carefully remove the mat and clean-out into the banjo gold pan! Directions are on the back of the pan.
I finally got it but awesome 👍
Material can be ran pretty quick to obtain fine concentrates. Original mat holds mostly fine concentrates. Dream mat will catch larger sand and needs to be further clean in a pan.
I got my order in just a few days. Everything looked great and I been playing around with it at home and seem to work great. Going to be trying it on the beach this year since we cannot sluice. Great product
I don’t like it
The pan looks like it will work just fine and be real handy. Haven’t been out to use it but I plan on it when the water levels go down.
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