Anytime I face myself answering the same question several times in a row, I begin to think perhaps it is a topic I need to address in an article so as to share the knowledge with the world. The question of what the difference is between the Garrett AT Pro metal detector and the ACE 400 is one of those very questions.
Predominantly this question is asked by metal detectorists that are on the edge of deciding whether they want to go ahead and pay a couple hundred more bucks to get what the AT Pro has to offer or if the ACE 400 is enough for what type of metal detecting they are doing.
With the ACE 400 versus the AT Pro, let me start by saying they are both excellent metal detectors developed by one of the best metal detector manufacturers in the business. Nobody can stand up to the customer service and dealer support that Garrett Metal Detectors offers. So, either way you go, you are in good hands with Garrett.
Typically I answer this question with a question. Which is, "What are you going to be doing with it?" followed by, "Where are you going to be metal detecting?" These questions help me decide which direction I want to point them. When it comes to comparing the AT Pro versus the ACE 400, it is important to know that I am a person that appreciates the value of a dollar. I will never point someone to a higher priced metal detector just to make more money. In fact, most of the time I end up selling someone a less expensive metal detector simply because they don't need the features of a more expensive one.
Once I find out what type of metal detecting and where they are going to be doing it, I can proceed to tell them the difference. The main differences between the Garrett AT Pro and The Garrett Ace 400 are three MAIN things:
In the end Garrett Metal Detectors has done a great job keeping its Ace series metal detectors up to date. For instance the old Ace 250 and 350 did not offer Iron Audio or a pinpoint function. The new Ace 400 does. This is a huge benefit to the treasure hunter. These seemingly tiny upgrades to the line have helped Garrett stay at the forefront of the metal detector industry by offering more bang for your buck than almost any detector brand out there. They have also created a nice little bridge between the Ace series metal detectors and the AT series by providing the standard mode on the AT Pro that is similar in function to the Ace series thus allowing the user to easily transition between the two.
My final advice to most people who are new to the sport of metal detecting is: When it comes to the Ace 400 vs the AT Pro, if you have it in your budget, go ahead with the AT Pro. You will not go wrong with this metal detector. However, if you are limited in budget the Ace 400 is perfectly suitable for most metal detecting applications. You can always upgrade down the road. And, at High Plains Prospectors, we are more than happy to trade in a gently used Ace 400 for a brand new AT Pro metal detector for those who do want to upgrade. We will simply pass it along as a Used or Demo Metal detector to another metal detector enthusiast wishing to get into the hobby.
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