The Nickel and Meteorite Testing Solution is designed to detect the presence of nickel. A large percentage of meteorites contain the element. The 1/2oz shatterproof bottle lets users dispense one drop at a time, and by applying 2-3 drops to a cotton swab and rubbing it on the object for 5 seconds, one can detect the presence of nickel with the swab turning pink. It is recommended to use latex gloves with the solution and to test on an inconspicuous area, due to the chance that the solution may discolor the metal. In addition, nickel in jewelry, watchbands, keys and other items can create irritation and other issues. This solution may help to determine if your find could be a meteorite, as most meteorites contain nickel. However, a positive result from this solution does not guarantee it is a meteorite.
Nickel and Meteorite Testing Solution Single Bottle
Nickel and Meteorite Testing Solution Single Bottle
Well when I received the product I was not expecting the bottle not to have a dropper on the end . In the past I have ordered products from you where the top come off and then there was a dropper so you can administer one drop at a time but the nickel test did not have a dropper so when I open the top it all Spilled Out was very disappointed about that
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